They came in a large silver beast, Cutting through the water and out icy front lawns, Foggy air blasting from the great monster’s spout, It made a loud hollow noise never heard before. Then it was quiet. The ice crunching under the beast’s belly stopped, The air stopped pouring out of its spout, And its horrid voice had ceased its calling. This “animal” was still. Onto the ice nearby it set down a fin, Or something of the like and soon enough… Smaller creatures came. These new creatures stood on their two back legs Like the polar bears when they’re in a snit. Yet they never went down on their front legs like most of the rest of us. They didn’t have much fur on them and no feathers to speak of. They had no tails, no beaks, or snouts… They were strange things that we watched from our burrows, But they bothered no one. At first… Then some of us started disappearing. Some never to come back, but those who did… They weren’t the same any more and more often than not There was some clear thing around their necks or legs. Suddenly those creatures from the silver beast Posed a threat.