In this world, And I say "this world" Because there might be another Where you don't get a coffee In a warm lit cafe Instead you drink something similar That isn't called a coffee In a place that doesn't even look like a cafe In this world We cannot just ride the same bus With a person we've seen in a film We cannot go to a place And expect it will feel like home We cannot do our rounds and shifts And just let it be any thing Other than mundane We go on without having to clink our glasses With the person we want to be there We go on reading books alone In a room full of voices of people Without having one to ask you about the title I go on waking up every morning And not find your deep, baby blue eyes Because in this world We had to endure distances In this world We had to find comfort in isolation In this world We can never be together But maybe in another we can In another, we're much more of a free soul Wise men did say That there can be an infinity of worlds Where the things that are not Are is in another We're not that in this world But maybe in a different one We are Or maybe here We can