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Mar 2012
You needed a leak
so entered the bathroom
and there was Anne in the tub

so you made ready
to make a speedy exit
but she called out

hey skinny fellow come on in
and you looked over at her
and said

what if Sister Bridget comes?
Oh **** her come over
and scrub my back

I can’t reach back there
without falling over
so you moved over to the bath

trying to avoid looking
where you ought not
and she said

what’s a matter
ain’t you seen ******* before?

you said
loads of times
and she laughed and said

ok small guy
pick up the sponge and scrub
and so you did

and put soap on the sponge
and got to work
and while you scrubbed

she began to sing softly
and put her hands over her shoulders
and waved at you with her fingers

and you saw her one leg
rise and fall in the water
and you looked away

and felt yourself blush
and all the time her voice
became smoother and smoother

and you pushed the sponge
all over the back
and touched her fingers

so that the soap went over them
and she stopped singing and said
what about the front then boy

are you ready for that?
and as you were about to speak
you heard Sister Bridget

coming down the hall
and Anne said softly
Terry Collett
Written by
Terry Collett  Sussex, England
(Sussex, England)   
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