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jenny linsel
Feb 2017
Sam the dog and Pearl the cat
Sam the dog and Pearl the cat
Were sitting on the wall
They do it every day
So it isn't strange at all
They have little conversations
Which only they can understand
They talk about their little quirks
And none of them are planned
Pearl goes first of course
And Sam lets her have her say
He knows better than to interrupt
He learnt his lesson the other day
“I scratch my scratching post
And I chase my clockwork mouse
I leave my loving mistress
Little gifts all around the house
I eat all of my food
Then I use my litter tray
Or sometimes one of her slippers
When she looks the other way
I sleep lots throughout the day
Until about half past seven
Then I think it’s playtime
Until well after eleven
Each day she fills my water bowl
But I don't use it for a drink
I prefer to use the kitchen tap
While balancing on the sink
I like to lodge my face in things
And my mistress gets fed up
The other day I got it stuck
Inside a paper cup
I've got a lovely padded bed
For when I need a sleep
But I sleep in the bathroom hand-basin
It’s nice and cool and deep
I love it on a Tuesday
My mistress gets her magazine
I sit my bottom on it
It’s pages sight unseen
One of my favourite pastimes
Is scratching on the door
I make her think I want to go out
Then I curl up on the floor
I put on my needy face
When I smell nice food
My mistress never shares with me
How can she be so rude?
I like to go upstairs
On the bed I like to lie down
Nestled in a furry ball
On a fluffy dressing gown
Sometimes I hide in cupboards
Then suddenly jump out
My mistress tells me off for startling her
You probably hear her shout
I sit on the laptop keyboard
While my owner tries to chat
To her human friends on Facebook
I soon put a stop to that”
Sam now has his say at last
And looks straight at Pearl, the cat
“You think you get into mischief,
Well I can better that
I love going into town
Though it isn’t very far
My favourite thing is the lovely breeze
On my head out of the window of the car
Sometimes my mistress brings me a doggy bag
From her favourite restaurant
It contains all of my favourite things
She knows exactly what I want
Last week she took me in the car
Allegedly to the park
It was really a trip to the vets for ‘the snip'
I was totally kept in the dark
I do a vanishing act at bath time
I always hide under the bed
So I get taken out to the garden
And end up getting hosed-down instead
Whenever my belly is scratched
No matter where we are
I lay on my back with my legs in the air
As if playing an air-guitar
I love rolling in smelly stuff
Much to my owner’s dismay
It's one of my favourite pastimes
I do it almost every day
I'm the master of the head-tilt
When I smell nice food on the table
I sometimes get some scraps
But not from greedy aunt Mabel
Odd times I chase my tail
I chase it round and round
Then I spin around a couple of times
Before exhaustedly lying down
I keep eating grass
When my tummy is upset
But sometimes I eat too much
And I end up at the vet”
It’s almost five ‘o’ clock
Both hear the rattling of a tin
That sound means it is dinner time
Time to be going in
Sam gently says to Pearl
“See you tomorrow, the same time”
Pearl preens her whiskers and purrs softly
Then over the wall she starts to climb
Sam spies a muddy patch
He'll save it for another day
Then he'll see his pal, Pearl the cat,
When she’s next out to play
This is a poem about the quirky habits of pets.
Written by
jenny linsel
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