my anatomy my heart lying inside me beckoning beating me to beat feigning delicacy
isn’t it funny it’s merely a muscle i feel it steal beats my steel fists copy it clenches and dictates me and my existence and like me never rests only keeps beating itself
it isn’t funny aren’t muscles meant to provide strength to shield me from emptiness and disconnect me from all these tissues i keep rupturing why the contrast, then why does it do the opposite does it beat me out of spite knowing i take it to heart and again when i find dense napkins inside and realize that they never left but the worst part is the blood-red cherry on top that i need. bitter venom i need. to be what i don’t know i want to be. in a world where i’m unsure as to why it brought me in or what it is that is that which up to i should be living which is that that keeps on beating and killing the same thing it's expecting me to be achieving. i hate the fact that heartless i suffer though if i could i would love with all my heart the alternative that is subordinate to fraternal evil twins
because there is no suffering nor mourning as that of a heart not yet deadened. if only the analysis caused it the same paralysis as is witnessed in my now idle mind that flatlined when i realized
i was birthed exist live and will cease with the oxymoron that is weak muscle, me: strong and hollow inside