Melancholic thoughts in a hazy storm Somewhere between Knowing who you are And what you want to do Bleary dreams fill the night Of times you never knew Stories flutter in and out Like the seagulls you used to see daily ***** and a flabby grey Cawing at you when you try and rest Translucent plans made to be opaque Fill the speech around me Lies upon lies Houses of magnitude built upon A crumbling foundation of dormancy Acrid breaths flow as the night wears on Until the shrill cry of the work clock Wakes you from dreams You would rather go back to Then go back to being a gear Mountain man as much as you can Grizzled and survivable But tame in patterns and behavior Shame filled nights Spent filling the liver full of death And the lungs full of heaven For you are not what you are And you never can be What you want to be For you are weak in all the wrong ways