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Feb 2017
I saw hopelessness in your eyes, i rocked back and cursed the thought of you invading my mind. Was it something that i said, was it something i did...because you walked so freely when there was so much to give.

We were inseparable, you brought out the best in me... what dreams were left when you were leaving me. You made it looked so easy, i was broken and in my solitude i wept and retrieved

My rainy days could not have been longer, pretending that with each day i'll grow stronger... but you knew better, you knew that the day you left, you left scars with memories.

I trail the shores, tracing every step. I fell to my knees praying for your presence; I was there waiting...I searched for you in every being, hoping that somehow you were there seeing me. I just could not understand.

Didn't i save you sanity and shared with you my purity, your absence inflicted pain in my heart, and bruised my ravaging soul... We made beautiful plans.

Now your haunting me, i tossed and turn in my deepest of sleeps. I reached out, waiting for you to take my hands... but you weren't there all you did was left footprints in my sand*.

Livia-savage Reign
Written by
Livia-savage Reign  Kingston, Jamaica
(Kingston, Jamaica)   
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