I'll write to you John Wieners you old twisted fruit long dead & drained of brilliance brain inherited from Burroughs you analytical ****** John long gone are the hours you spent in bars in bed in someone's *** like Ginsberg you are the emotional man who ran his fingers through the flesh of frozen moments tenderness exhibited in elegies of departed lovers no dope sunrise sheltered by your words the refuge of poetic gnosis brought from Beats to Black Mountain ******* Moloch men mounting one another thighs apex near sun to receive the final fatal flash of pleasure then descend again to madness like Kerouac you sought the silver honey-milk of bohisattva jazz jive held eternity in a frozen moment and a moment on a page made offerings to the hideous grey gods of machinery and read the neon streetlight hieroglyphics you who busted mind-forg'd manacles of Blake with consonance and assonance and *** of boys born bravely to the ecstasy of final drunkenness & one last cigarette O prisoner of earth and of the body you are risen!