skirting all the animated moments move swift fast in ****** muscle recollections he was wounded in his chair there seized upon the revolution from his own side was to watch her three trips for **** that Sunday he was spending and suspended by a strange hand as balloon him falling forward always faithful you should call him I think we're making progress marijuana chocolates no violence ******* pull-ups in the basement sitting cross legged wondering and heartsick seized upon some love of colors giving in most pathetic but real love there and present finally quit the buffet job & am I crazy now? tales of DMT and pink-flash of white hot nothing abolished in after-image finger traces hold the third **** then thru the kaleidoscope door where not to be abandoned to utopias rather fishing for an image of divine mother pulled out of the background subtle nature language wove in one's own tongue never have you known it but it's now & faster than imagined a world which breaks apart into fractal building blocks of source code neverending as she's on the couch with snapchat filters absurdities of alcohol and everything startling the sleep sick senses