She had been deep in slumber, this little beast of mine. Buried deep within where she would cause no trouble. Curled within my hips just at the base of my spine. I feel her unwind, my stomach begins to bubble.
I have been covering her over for so long now. Afraid of who might see her. But now I no longer know how. Because all of my lines have begun to blur.
I know you may see an easy mark. Something fun and light. But all it would take is one little spark. To catch her on fire and make your world bright.
She has been silent for so long. Now her claws drag behind my silent lips. She crouches haunches arched... she is so strong. Right and wrong have become an eclipse.
It seems wrong to continue to deny her. She is pleasure, she is pain, she is starving. And it's your fault she now begins to stir. Widdled away my resistance she is carving.