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Jan 2017
I can't wait for that day...that day when I look at you and feel absolutely nothing. I can't wait to show you hell, to make you feel the fire I felt. The long nights I yearned for you, your kiss from your warm tender lips.

I turned myself Inside out, breaking myself down to the core...strip myself down exposing my torn soul. It is, bruised, blister of scars that you left me with.

For the nights you left me cold, I've died a thousand times...waiting for you to come to me, to take me, make me, only for you to once more break me.

I just lie there, hopeless until you return. Every single time. My entire love story with you is Deja Vu, I just keep letting you in when I need to let you go...I've tried.

...Here I am again, Waiting, hoping that wherever you are, whoever your with...that you are safe and will be able to return in my arms. Ill be here...Until you return.

Livia-savage Reign
Written by
Livia-savage Reign  Kingston, Jamaica
(Kingston, Jamaica)   
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