The Duration of our Association Writes a Song Meant to be Heard by the Artists above and below us, The housewives before and after us, And the Creator that has always wanted to get to know us.
Our Chorus has built a Bridge from foundation to second Verse Your Vocal cords burst, mine always in strain So I revert to a way I can seem less cursed Painting you here with me in this forsaken Refrain.
I'll write you here I'll Envision your Tune and Draw your Hymn I'll Create an existence for you with me And "we" will never cease to be.
You'll be here and I'll be ruining my Voice for you You'll be there but you'll need to Hear You'll have to Listen but there's a continuation to their destruction And we will never let "us" come to a Conclusion.
The Orchestra thriving in the Tone of louder Feeding from the veracious Harmony We seem to constantly inspire, The Voice of circumstance Plucks the Strings of our Instruments, Amity Sculpting a heart worth honorable mention Pumping Lyrics through the circulation of this dedication.
I'll Write you here and You'll Sing me there And together we will fathom the concept of "near."