Days of measles spent cloaked in darkness Veil of curtains and dime store sunglasses Between me and a sun gone cold with evil intent
Hell bent on robbing me of sight while I was busy Looking inward tallying up the wages of sin Bedeviled by an itch that needed scratching
Hands sheathed in white tube sock condoms To ward off nails rendered, Iād been warned, poison As the fer-de-lance snake that glared back from the jungle
Overlay in the World Book Encyclopedia Slammed shut for the sanctuary of a coloring book Prophylactics and perpetual twilight incompatible
With proper grip and waltz of a crayon To stay inside lines laid down by others Alone in the dark with nothing left to lose
But Roy Orbison shades and a pit viper Coiled, biding time pressed between pages Made as much sense as a malevolent sun.