I walk into the room full of viewers, spectators, rich folk, poor folk and saw skin, bones, and a soul. I didn't see your clothes that you were wearing or the makeup applied to your face. I didn't see how many natural curls are in your hair or how long your hair had grown. I didn't see how much money that was in wallet or the car that you pull up to the coffee shop with.
The clerk rung up my order and mispronounced my name. I didn't get angry from a simple mistake from the clerk's effort of bringing a smile to my face with a coffee and a beignet.
I thanked him. I thank the souls that crossed my paths. I thank God for letting our paths crossed because I saw his miracles in my presence living and breathing.
When I finished my coffee, I didn't keep my cup. I only stop for a coffee at the coffee shop. To enjoy this moment in time with others enjoying their coffee as well.