Now, of all the times, you choose to walk back into my life What about when I wanted you? needed you prayed for you longed for you Where were you then? Now, when I've moved on you choose to look for me I'm not in love with you, I'm not I swear I think... ....You don't have my heart anymore I promise... I don't think about us or what we had... Just to let you know Take you back? Now? Really? I....I..... Yes, your all I wanted Yes, I still love you, and since we're being honest I don't think I ever stopped I'm with someone else I moved on.. I love him, too I do No....not like how I loved you So i'm supposed to drop everything for you? You didn't do that for me Yes, I know..I love you too Think about it overnight? Okay, I will. Give me 24 hours. hugs It's a deal. what......who do I choose?