She rises & looks at her clock ****** ****** either that it’s too late and She will be rushing (again) Or ****** that it’s too early (for only those in the military need to wake up at this god awful time, right?) She rips free from the forceful grasp of her lumpy mattress & walks across the dusty floors of her perfect one room apartment She doesn’t need breakfast (perhaps a gulp of orange juice straight from the bottle) but the view from her 7th story high window is enough to feed her for the next 80 years Or maybe more The City that NEVER Sleeps Or the city that never lets her sleep at 7 am but She forgives it because each morning She is fed by the honking taxis & shouting people & airplanes overhead because everyone wants to visit here but She? She lives here
The next bit of her day depends on drive & talent & passion & a little bit of luck She could be late for work a waitress & campaign staffer (for the latest liberal agenda) Or She could be simultaneously trying to find that sheet music (again) picking out an outfit (unique but not revealing) practicing that dance move (again) & reading the scenes aloud (again) Or (if drive & talent & passion & luck have done their job) She’s spending a little bit more time at that window thanking the City for the inspiration smiling (maybe bigger than usual) calling her family to ask when they’ll be coming out reassuring her mom she doesn’t need any money (but taking it anyway) (for now) dressing for rehearsal heart-pounding Debut
Either way (whether drive & talent & passion & luck have done their job or not) She covers up that small tattoo She got in her (now) younger years pulls up that hair that has gone from brown, to red, to blonde, to brown, and through the cycle again covers up the spots on her face swipes on mascara (lipstick if She’s feeling up to it) and thanks whoever or whatever that She looks good for her age
But aside from physicality (and more important than physicality) She thanks whoever or whatever that She has loved & been loved & continues to love until all that is left is the stories & the playbills & the people She met & She loved each one more than the stage more than her apartment more than the view more than her bed
But perhaps not quite as much as the drive & talent & passion & luck that got her there in the first place