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Dec 2016
Down a Road I tipped an toed
If only I were to ever go..

Down the path where no one knows
My steps will print in the what lies before,

As the wind hollars an the rain falls,
I follow a leaf in the windfall,

Back an forth it leads to go,
To an fro I follow to it's home..

The sun it sets beyond the sky
The where about The light denys

Only my senses are left behind,
Only the greatness of the mind..

Crunch crunch... R.I.P. "The Leaf"..
There go's my destination as I think..

Only to find what it was to hide
To understand its meaning to life..

Secrets held inside my head
Thanks to the Journey that it lead. :)
Written by
Kaley  26/F/U.S. MI
(26/F/U.S. MI)   
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