I've been having those old dreams The ones years ago that reaped me of my sanity They're the same ones when you'd wake me to hold me You'd be there when I was shaking Tossing and turning When I lacked breathing..
But now, when I dream, it is different But not because you're not there.
It is a cold, dark silhouette And I swear, it haunts me. It cascades my bedroom walls and attacks me at my throat Bad omens always stayed away from me, They were always following you. So, what changed? ****.. Who knows.
Now, I shake and quiver I sweat and I cry In the middle of my sleep I scream I scream, I scream, I SCREAM! But, no one hears me. No one holds me. So I stay shaking Tossing and turning I still lack breathing.
But one last thing I have left out, That Bible I keep by my head, you know, Pages were ripped out. That silhouette that cascades my bedroom in the middle of the night, That omen.. ****, it's your demon. You brought me bad luck. I can't believe I let your demons in. ****.