Somewhere now cars dance on the highway All of my heroes long asleep under dirt or drifting around with the dust I sit on the floor of my room Drinking water that has sat on my desk for a day Beside me sits "Ode to Common Things" by Pablo Neruda My room is filling to the brim with common things Like clothes I either never wear or wear too much Books never read Chalk and safety pins
Lately the inability to write has left me feeling a lot of dread My inability to write comes from my inability to know what to say which comes from feeling really really far down that no ones really listening or caring My time is split between library aisles, folk punk music, wild poet friends, the Spanish Civil War and talking to a girl who lives in Georgia I'm here looking into mirrors only to see a different person each day So I take pictures of each stranger and put them on the Internet for friends to decipher But I won't be getting any answers tonight I fall asleep under enough covers for now I fall asleep in the silent nights of December