Star shot blue eyes a meatior shower starts to fall in my head my skin tightens I see a faint flash nothing more then a flicker at first, a galexy was born between sparks of our laughter I thought I knew but I wasnt sure I loved her at least these fleating moments I could all the hot new stars started to fad to a deep terqose as our galexy grew old I say good night you shift your eyes and said the same and give me one more meatior shawer with a simple smile in my dreams you came sailing along the soft light of the moon to steal me away once more for two weeks I just traced my way through our constolation just finding little remnants of you just star dust now I sit and wait under the night sky speckled with stars hoping you would deside to fall my way again and bring me back out to space to spin around and around like we did our first night in the sky