I have no job. No finances. And less skills than I would have hoped leaving college.
But I have that piece of paper. A roof over my head, still. Some prospects of potential things on the horizon.
Everyone expects that once you graduate you can leave. But then scoffs at you when you get into debt for putting too much on credit cards.
I am sorry I can't afford to go get an oil change. But I know I can't afford not to.
When your family almost loses their house, and can on a daily basis be called by debt collectors on final notice of some bill we cannot afford to pay - suddenly life is a bit too real to think that downing a bottle of your choice will magically make it go away.
Surprise. I don't want to be dependent anymore. I want to work 80 hours a week knowing that in ten years I will be able to afford that one dinner out.
Not only that we have leaders of our nation that will change everything you believe to be good and will implement everything you believe to be bad.
That bubble rises.
A noose around my neck of money drying up it feels like I should put some semblance of beauty to work and find some person to take care of me
No. I can find a way to support myself with the skills I have learned at school. Other students have before me worked off the debt of higher education and so will I. Jobs will open up. Opportunity will knock. Failure will happen, but so will success.
Just one step at a time not in front of the train like I have thought about but forward towards true uncertainty of the future.
Don't worry, I will be still be here tomorrow and tomorrow. as a force you didn't realize was there. One day you might even remember my name.