Whenever I hear that song I'll get a lump in my throat The size of a grapefruit It will be your voice I hear gliding through the melodies In my mind's eye I won't try to hide Your head tilting back with the high notes Your own eyes closed, squinting, holding back A look of pure ecstasy and passion deep as any Union remembered or forgotten You sing and you make the song your own So it is your own and I would not take it from you Even if I could Even if I wanted to
The sound drowns and I won't turn it down It fills the room to overflowing I fall back into your favorite chair and watch You skim the waves I color the empty space blue to give you something to sink into When you fall Sinking as the noise subsides Reaching for my lifeguard arms With the first line of the second chorus I pull you down and draw you near Ease you into your favorite chair You won't mind, we can share
I've got the song in "repeat" mode and it's played 6 times now Every single spin my head begins to swim Doesn't get old, just sinks in deeper A knife, a nail, sharp enough but painless It's just a needle for my weakest vein Injects the feeling I had the very first time I heard it The first time I saw you hold a microphone to your mouth Saw you move to and fro to the beat of the music Already lost, five minutes and nine seconds out of time and space All of the world's existentialist quandaries forgotten and powerless You took me with you Or more like you let me follow, by the tail, hold on for dear life Knowing that when we burst through the other side The words and music would be branded into our brains
I could leave it on "repeat" all night long It never gets old
Still, the next song on this playlist is awesome You really should hear it