My father is a traitor of the sacred promise he made to us.
I mean he didn't harm us on tradditional ways, maybe the modern pain is worse, maybe we'll be in pain forever.
My mother is a leader of the chaos our lifes have become. I don't remeber when we didn't organise every step we made, because we are afraid of falling into the deep space of our feelings.
My sister is a fighter, protecting us for becoming nothing, fighting with my darkness even if it invades all of our room.
I don't know who I am, I don't know if I'm the enemy everyone tries to warning me about, I live in that chaos, on that pain, on that darkness, I became that, an spiral of little destruction.
I become the witch in that story with a costume of observer because I'm just to paralised to show them the inside, of the darkness that'dΒ Β eat us alive.