they say god is perfect. that holds true for me, too. no concept contains me in totality. Stirner wrestled with the undefinable: an indefatigable Unique, anarchic, lacking category. Camus perhaps said it best, "i rebel, therefore i exist." i strive to personify resistance.
i find the answers in harmony with Counterparts, defining The Difference Between Hell and Home: "i am what i am and i am an outcast."
an outlaw, a nobody akin to Nietzsche, returning infinitely— stretched like so many grains of sand on time's flat surface, orbiting eternally around the creative Nothing at half-past 3:00 in the morning. a singularity, deconstructing Derrida's Différance.
a nomad on the margins, wandering aimlessly, roaming perpetually with Deleuze and Foucault, an astronaut arranged along the endless frontiers of an ever-expanding cosmos.
Vonnegut recognized the periphery affords a radical view to the few who choose to embrace that which cannot be Known. a zero-sum game between Death and me, staving off manic-depressive ennui if only momentarily.
"The lyricism of marginality may find inspiration in the image of the 'outlaw,' the great social nomad, who prowls on the confines of a docile, frightened order." - Michel Foucault