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Dec 2016
if my mind was an ocean
you are an oil spill
beautiful in your destruction;
colors dancing on the waves.

if i was a color i would be gray
if you were a color you would be all of them.
you are the feeling of warm clothes out of the dryer on a cold day, clean linens, hot tea.
i'm the the word you cant think of, the idea you lost when you didn't write it down.  ink that smudges on your hands.

i'm only temporary, and so are you.  
instants feel infinite in your presence,
hot pain trembles across skin.
the words hung in silence
like clothes to dry in the sun.

the colors,
all would fade
    all would fade
      we all would fa  d       e

hung in a drought of your touch
c rogan
Written by
c rogan  24/F
   sarah rogan
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