is it too soon to say this? is it too soon to ask you to stay? I dreamed about you again last night, fourth time this week. it was hardly worth mentioning, except the way you looked at me, like maybe I'll never have to ask you to stay, because you'll do it anyway. I don't want you to be a passing ship, making quiet waves in the middle of the night, only to sail away sometime in the early morning without saying goodbye. I want to be your harbor, I want to be the place you land and realize this, this place here, was always meant to be your last stop. ship becomes house becomes home. is it too soon to say this? you know I didn't mean for this. everything tears me to shreds, wanting something so tenuous rips me to shreds but god, there's something about you that makes me want anchor. it makes me want to hold on for dear life, even if it means sinking and drowning, becoming yet another skeleton laid to rest on your ocean floor, miles and miles deep and irretrievable. it's just that when I close my eyes, I smell you on my skin. it's just that when I close my eyes, I find myself still getting lost in the bottomless abysses that are your eyes and I could stay there forever, in that dark and beautiful abyss.