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Mar 2012
Upon finding pictures of your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend kissing

1) Remind yourself that he is a ****** kisser, that the first time he kissed you
was in the sketchy part of town
(he told you to hide your purse underneath his car seat)
and he kissed so oddly passionate
that he might as well of taken your tonsils out

2) Remember that his idea of a perfect date night consisted
of him sharing a 69 cent soda from Mcdonalds and
devouring a plate of onion rings like it was the 2010 world eating championship

3) Remember that food was all he liked to eat.
Nothing else.

4) When you see this picture, recognize that he is in something
other than his favorite maroon t-shirt.
Realize that maybe his new girlfriend, taught him how to do laundry,
maybe she even bought him cologne.
Instead of sheepishly leaving it on the hood of his car as
a friendly reminder that smelling decent is an important factor
in a long lasting relationship

5) Remember the nights your father paid him $40 to
take you out on a real date

6) Remind yourself that the $40 dollars was spent
on **** and a movie
you both don't remember watching

7) Remember that he was your first love,
that nothing more powerful than your two bodies
making out in his run-down car
behind the giant bush in front of your parents house
was once the most important thing in the world to you

8) Realize that maybe this new girlfriend of his
fits all of the qualities he found difficult finding in you.

9)Realize that he likes her, and he's falling in love with her.
The picture clearly shows it, he's falling in love again.
Pray for that girl

10) Pray that when he looks her in the eyes
for the hundredth time that when his lips part
and he whispers, "i love you"
that this time around, he'll actually mean it.
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