falling over the stepping stones I found my way back to the purple drapes however it was colder than the last visit the golden glimmer was very gray maybe it was the slice of harsh chemicals that split my senses and made my eyes water so I reached for the tissues but knocked over a sea of child proof caps that cascaded to the floor then there was all sorts of ruined surprises that I unwrapped too early because I sometimes like to get dressed up and pull the ribbon away from boxes that say they are for someone else so I shouldn't try similar to the way I like the word off limits and wrong similar to the way your doctor would talk to your therapist after they saw your hair was wet after surfing your secrets and I imagined this all while running my whole hand over the wooden vase that was half carved and half ancient bark that kept together the plastic sunflowers which the store promised would never die and guests would be convinced they were freshly picked but by a collection of side way glances I finally noticed my favorite spritz of yellow did not begin and end with the texture of truth so I think I would rather appreciate the vase and the yellow orange red pink shapes on the center of my tongue so the shimmer of a clean stentch can tickle my throat and later beg me to fall so I can touch my face to the floor allowing the marble to ice my burning cheek and I will join the child proof party confetti already waiting and the gray overcast can make it all alright