Just like sunshine on a cool spring day Like rain drops falling during a gentle rain You light up my life and bring peace to my soul Your love for me has made me whole
Your soft gentle lips quiver against mine Reluctance soon turns into desire Our hearts dance in sync to each others embrace Like the wind in a field of fragrant arrays
Like words flowing out from a beautiful song And dew dripping down to a thirsty ground Your embrace fills my heart and captures my mind Releasing the passion hidden inside
Like the stars in the sky too many to be counted And the fish in the sea number millions and thousands My love for you is deep and impossible to describe Powerful and vast yet gentle and kind
How much do I love you if you still don't know It would take every diamond in the world To reflect the sparkle that is there in your eyes As we dance together on a moonlit night
I asked an old woman as she walked with her mate To describe if she could what made their love so great She lifted her head and began to describe All the beauty he possessed inside As she turned to leave she smiled at me and said,
"He makes me feel like sunshine on a cool, spring day"