As I watch you walk away, or you watch me walk away, The moment I get in that bus, or you in that taxi, When the door closes behind you, As I watch you put your shoes back on, The instant you sign out of facebook or hang up the phone I start missing you...
When you're not next to me
I feel like, a cookie with no chocolate chips; A computer without internet; The night sky with no stars; A train journey to an unknown destination; A poem with the last line missing; Both incomplete and meaningless...
Sometimes, specially on nights like this,
I wish I could stop missing you. Stop thinking about you Get over feeling lonely Be fine with not having you around Just block you out for a second. But, then I think I would miss, missing you...
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 09/03/2012]