Don't try to change me, Don't try to sway me, Because this is who I am, And if you do love this, Then cool your heels or You might have to move on And onto the next version.
Let me be who I am, Let me live what makes me happy, And you can join and be, You can be the best of me.
Or you can fight and scratch it, Battle it with every tooth and nail, And when its all boiled down, You're left as a footnote, As a line in a song.
You decide which you want: That white picket fence, The house with a two-car garage (read: a bitter husband living a life he doesn't love because he followed the wife he truly does),
Or do you want to be With me as a man so happy As he lives dollar to dollar, One that couldn't be happier Living a life full of love?
So live with me, or please do not, Because if you try to change me, I'll never be what you want.