The fossils run out, as the school children know; we should have stopped pumping a long time ago. It means being poorer; the masses would howl. We acted judiciously, threw in the towel, deciding it's better we simply pretend, and do better now and implode at the end. The rich of our country our leaders beseech to do as they're bidding and money is speech, and not being stupid, they're certain to note it's best to buy leaders who won't rock the boat, and they pay their henchmen to bleat and emote so the salt of the Earth is informed how to vote. Where once we had college so kids could aim high we now have a system for bleeding them dry and maybe you've noticed despite how you voted, your workload increased and your income eroded. When government fails to do what it should, sooner or later the warlords look good as you already know if you're down in the hood, and now that it's failed it shouldn't surprise we've come to the point where the demagogues rise, and we on Thanksgiving have gratefully thanked to live on a carpet that's yet to be yanked.