Black as hell against this white canyon. She’s waiting for me. Still there. In amongst soap and shampoo Still. Armed with traps and tangles; I shall not succumb. I shall set her free.
It is she who’s trapped not me and she doesn’t even know it. I can take her from this barren abyss. Her attempts are futile. Richness awaits her, more than just the dripping tap.
So I stand naked. My belly brushes against harsh coldness, a glass and photograph in hand and I shiver from the open window. I am bending forward. My skin pricked tight, I am not a coward, I have her. She put up no fight.
Covering all my family. So close to her black belly we’re smiling in summer heat, wearing baseball caps and dungarees. I tilt the glass, I caught her leg. Lingering we stare at each other. Her hairy black, my fleshy pink; like a sweet.
I could have killed her.
Out of the window she falls. It’s dark. I’m sure she’s fine. All that’s left behind is the fine web. Hung from shower head to plug.