donald-trumpaphobia college **** culture women's rights global warming social inactivity
ISIS and extremists melting ice caps who crash into deep water, gone, undone lack of civility in millennials
technology enhanced cyborgs whose eyes have been surgically sewn to a screen family issues and self-created isolation coining yourself the black sheep to compensate for the need of attention
even if its the wrong kind one upping to feel important even if it means leaving your sister in your shadow the need for narcissism and self-obsession self-praise and prickly conversations
held at arm's length because we can only stand to be around you for a few minutes at most and I yell at you but you do not take in my words you listen not to understand but to reply
talking to you is more work than talking to a brick wall which you've build around yourself because if no one can get in no one can hurt you
and we get it, you're serious about global issues and we respect it. we encourage it. we praise it. but haven't you heard that too much of a good thing... is bad? and too much of a bad thing.. is, well... good.
you can only build walls so high before they tumble down and destroy that around them spewing debris in all directions like a flamethrower with no limit a tongue of fire burning everyone around that not even water can heal, leaving scars
reminders that although you have been quenched, rebuilt, moved on your words, your actions they live on, physical reminders to the pain you put me through although we sit and laugh, I remember
sooner or later you have to know that living is not dependent upon pointing out every social issue and making future plans complaining about all the world's problems and rambling until your mom makes you stop
a big part of living is enjoying it the carefree sunsets with toes covered in sand that sticks and midnight premiers at harry potter movies enjoying life is dancing in the kitchen with your lover while rainbow colored pancakes cook
and running to make the winning goal as the clock ticks to zero blood pumping through your veins even when faced with death in a close call car cash life speeding by in a heartbeat only then can you appreciate that you are alive
live and love don't waste it all criticizing and changing all that's wrong in the world because you are only you you cannot fix everything