Young dreams, now scattered fragments on the floor: A little handle into a corner flung The disc of sizes never again to fit A number two pencil into place for a trim Nor will the made-in-Chicago hopper Ever again save for the classroom prankster Sweet-smelling slitherings of cedar shavings To fling about while Teacher’s at the board.
A new Ticonderoga ****** into The spinning Scylla and Charybdis blades Was tested by steel, the dross savaged away, By turning the handle and grinding away, And from this grim ordeal emerged The Point, The perfect point, the adventurous lead… It’s not really lead, stupid, it’s graphite; That’s what Teacher said. Don’t you know anything?
Girls are stupid. They play with dolls and stuff. I’ve got a real cap pistol. I’ll draw it. You want to see? Look! No, wait, that’s not right; It’s better this way…Ma’am? Uh…integers? Arithmetic is stupid. Science is fun. I’ve got most of the Audubon bird stamps And I liked it when we cut up the frogs Old people are so mean. I’ll never be old.
A leaking pipe drips the minutes away Outside a broken window summer sings Its songs of freedom as it always has The desks are gone, the electricity is off The air smells of education and decay The classroom now is littered with the past: A broken crayon, a construction-paper heart, A silence longing for children’s voices.