Can’t help that my voice shakes I’m standing up here looking out With the lights shining on me for the first time
It’s not just my voice that’s shaking You know that sound right before you speak When you can hear everyone out there watching Hear them all holding their breath Waiting for you to take your first
I’m standing up here looking out The lights are shining down on me for the first time I can barely breathe for all the stillness that’s waiting For me to take my first
I’m sorry that my voice shakes But it’s not the only part of me that is I’m petrified to be standing up here Under the eyes of so many that are far better than I could ever be
I take my first while all of them are watching My mind hisses with self doubt And I can’t stop my legs from trembling under me
I think how the laughter might ring out if I were to collapse But the only thing I can hear is my voice Echoed out over the stillness Everyone still holding their breath
Slowly the passion written invisible between the lines of my first Push’s its way into my voice Until there is so much of it the shaking is smothered into nothing
I’m still petrified As these lights shine down on me for the first time And I stand before all these people That are far better than I could ever be As they all hold their breath Listening to my first
Suddenly it’s all over Every one that sat so silently listening to my first They stand now All of these people that are so much better than I could ever be
They are applauding I am shaking again
I think I will every time I stand up here Listening to the silence of everyone holding their breath As the lights shine down on me for what feels like the first time I’ll still be petrified
Still be sorry that my voice shakes That at any moment I might collapse But I’ll always come back
Because the passion written invisible between the lines Will come out again and smother my shaking into nothing But I’ll still remember my first