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Oct 2016
How could you? I trusted you will all I had.
I put my heart in your hands and you neither crushed it nor accepted it.
I cannot hate you, but I cannot love you either.
My heart belongs to you and yours to her.
I gave myself to you, the idea of you that is.

My hope held out until my suspicions became truth.
I asked you about my doubts and you lied right to my face.
I'm not sure that I can even look at you anymore.
And yet, I cannot hate you .
I have all the reason and more to hate you, and yet I cannot.

On the other side of things, I cannot love you.
Love is a word we assign to feelings we cannot describe.
Just like you; you are indescribable.
You hold me in your being, your essence.
I cannot hate you and yet love is out of reach.
raindrops on roses
Written by
raindrops on roses  20/F
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