Country Hicks are my kinda folk Getting drunk, we likes to joke Moonshine an' whiskey, outlawed still? Jack and Jill, kissed up the hill...
Shotgun weddin', down by the lake Women folk rustling, baba queing up some steak Pork spare ribs and a catfish bake...
Huckleberry cousins can't read nor write! Uncle Gus, gettin' drunk, he likes to fight all night!
Here come more kin, from way down south Riding a horse, wild dogs a barking, foamin' at the mouth...
Shotgun Weddin' wavin' bye bye, all stood 'round, broke down and cry...
(C) in perpetuity all reserved by the author (P) FilmNoirWorks --
Inspired by my fondness of Rockin' Country Music...I write each day for hours on end... no girl friend helps a lot! PS I do not drink or drug I'm 100% clean zero habit into organic Asian health here in Thailand, SE Asia... DaVe