As the great Van Gogh said, “I wish they would only take me as I am” These words fill my head As I realize I am ******.
For my strange, untrained soul Does not struggle intensely Trying to love as a whole; Blind to its own propensity To seek perfection and impossibilities.
I will remain entirely unaltered. My heart cannot lie so hard To pretend to love entirely unbothered. And I will not drop my guard, Lest to be left and hindered.
My hopeful ignorance assumes That this is readily understood. But when reality resumes, I already knew no other soul could Perceive and grasp this certain kind of doom.
Before I come completely undone, I seek to reconcile my poignant mistake. I’m only packing for my own sake When turn my lonesome self around and run.
And so I am ****** As the only thing That I can bring Is me, as I am.