[February the twenty-seventh] My hair is unwashed and here is blood in my spit. There is *** on my shirt, requires care to notice. I have a headache and took two chewable aspirin. My hand on my cock! Five, say, ten cumshot salute! Ready, Aim, Shoot! I played with a toothpick, pushed into my gums whenever the professor looked quizzical. I pick my nose whenever I'm sitting, smeared where -I can, -it sticks. I can feel bits of mud, gravel on scalp between hairs. Been digging, you see. Sand in the bed, too. Gets in on the feet. Feels like ants. I walk in from the site. I feel armless, a little regretful I started writing this.
When Carter woke up I hadn't even closed my eyes yet, had'm locked dead on the grain woman on my screen, hand beneath the blanket--But oh, how the sun came in. Carter couldn't move at all. He was sitting on that one. There. I knew I was going to die that day, sometime, did when I opened the shade and Rachmaninoff's op. 14, β6 You Are Loved By All played. I didn't, now, but I might have a kidney stone.