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Oct 2016
The mouth is used to profess words I ****** birds unless you can connect the terms you will see me as murderer.  The harvest in our heads-getting rid of the stress before our death- 'DE'  is  to DEscend - which leave us DEpressed.
The Red Sun sardine stone
has clashed with the sapphire blue moon.  The red and blue tunes - the one#1 that says
bye to the two#2 (Good and evil thoughts)
Fighting for control. Continue on, with the reap and sew.
13 hours  13 months  you can't even do 13 stunts!
This is a time of opposition
the anti christ is not a politician
express your opposite feeling
develop taste on the reads you hate
I hang in different dimensions stretching  inverted  or hanging upside down my ****** reflects light from your queen's crown , Auro boris , Water represents all of this
wave lengths of the sky
flow from a rhyme or Ri ripple from the tide
comes from ri or ray Shango rapid flow re or ra Lightning clause  repetitive motion , recycling and repeating broken REcords
I feel so vain,  fun pain no gain no shame no blame no crave with no say.
Without scrutinizing ourselves ,
we become controlled
weld into nothing
Three be the feeling of doubt
I am inspiration
erasing  your dark clouds
the rest is for you to figure out...
Ahchosi Grandiose
Written by
Ahchosi Grandiose  77/F/New York
(77/F/New York)   
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