I’ve reached the age when most of my contemporaries have kicked the bucket, turned up their toes, popped their clogs, and other such unsavoury activities. I take every opportunity to memorialise their lives. The question I ask myself is: when I finally pop my clogs, kick the bucket, and so on who will provide the tribute to me?
De mortuis nil nisi bonum is the Latin phrase of Greek invention. Speak nothing but good of the dead. I cannot accept this. What good can I speak of Adolf ******, Osama Bin Laden or even Senator Joe McCarthy? Better would be De mortuis nil nisi veritas. Speak nothing but the truth. But, if I had to choose one for my own obituary, I think I would turn to the late, great Harold Laski, who coined De mortuis nil nisi bunkum.
I’d be very happy to have nothing but claptrap talked about me. after my demise. At least let there be something written, be it good, truth or codswallop