Alice come here* I called my sister's cat She did not look at me. She sniffed the air She took her time And eventually proceeded To sniff my shoes.
I ran my fingers through her furr. Such a strange sensation Almost like the first time I ever pet a feline. I appreciated her soft furr And smiled at the memory Oh how wonderous It feels to a child
This cat, an animal Came to me, not because I called her Not because I commanded her As though she was mine To order around. She has no master She chooses her way.
May that be the way I live my life. Not because I want to But because I have to. For who chooses my path If not me? Who is left to pick up The broken pieces Of the choices I made If not me?
If I am responsible and on my own in it When I make a mistake, Then may I be alone in all my decisions That I make As I proceed in this world.