I trudged away from the library zippered up coat as i walked put my hands in my pockets keep warm
I walk past the metal grate that leads to the source of wind down the curb onto the lot
I see ahead the glass behemoth and metal structure that holds lectures and seats. And beside this giant, on the sidewalk below, is the place where i told you "i love you"
We wrote our names in the snow and connected them with a cross i did my best to shape a heart around us as you shaped my heart with your hands
We were embarrassed when our friends almost saw, but they trampled over it instead not caring. We laughed at this, a sigh of relief.
Would it have been that bad? probably not, yet we feared being cute. it was not befitting of our love
And now, the summer has melted away that time. we grew a p a r t as the sun shone down on us. and as the autumn inhaled her icy breath, we exhaled our last.