I love math. No matter what happens, the rules don't change. She is always quiet, and I know what to do to make her happy. She doesn't change her mind, and she's always a constant.
I like to write. I like the way words roll over my tongue how they fit through my lips. Language will always be there, she will never take her self away, leaving my lips to quiver in silence
I love music. It is the kiss to my cheek when I wake, and when I fall asleep. Major or minor, her notes stay the same. Always will she whisper sweet nothings in my ear, never will she change.
I like to observe others. How they interact, how they mingle with each other and show themselves off. How they give subtle hints of their motives in the hopes others will notice. At a distance, I will never get hurt. No one will ever call me out, or tell me they're not sure whether they love me
I like to be alone. I like the silence that only I can provide I don't have to make light conversation Or worry about whether I'm saying the right things, which is good, because my mouth is a grave.