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Oct 2016
Let me tell you about an experience I once had.  
Such a frightful story - violent.. The whole thing is sad.  

It was war,  of course it can't be good.
But I was taking it easy every chance I could.  

I had this fellow soldier friend,  
But something awful was just downwind!

We would go out and **** people a lot.  
It was for the Modded Nation we fought!

Despite it being a dreadful time,  
The Modded army was strong, at it's prime.  

We hardly even stopped to rest,  
That was why we were known as the best.  

But every so often,  
We tire and soften..  

The pressures always here!
The dangers always near.

One day I round the corner,  and open the door,  
I really thought I knew him before,  
He's just covered in the gore,  
****** body parts litter the floor,  
This man is cracked to the core,  
I pull my blade to even the score
Lightning quick, at his neck the metal tore.  
A geyser of blood erupts then begins to pour.
I count the bodies -  there are twenty four.
I dig till I am ****** and sore,  
But its not enough,  i keep digging more.
I dug for a week,  it became my only chore.  

On the third day of digging I took a break.
In the summer sun as the bodies bake.  

I looked at them,  reciting all their names.  
As I dig, I imagine them running around the compound playing games.  

As I am gently laying them to rest,  
I hear the Modded language coming from the west.  
I look toward them,  as I get shot in the chest.  

The bodies I was burying were unmodded children,  you see.  
They saw them dead,  and blamed me.  

Being an engineer that was needed,  
I was unable to die until their goals were completed.  

They threw my body away,  
They said I'll get another one day.  

Stored in a cyber jail cell,  
All my secrets that I've kept so well..  
They're not mine anymore.  
Now they are just fuel for the war.  

Three Hundred years they kept me.  
Locked up and hidden from everybody.  
Don't worry about psychosis or insanity,  
It has only washed away my humanity.

If you're wondering how I escaped   purgatory,  
I'm afraid it'll have to wait till a later story.
The Fellow Traveler
Written by
The Fellow Traveler
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