In my dream he wanted to know why I want to think he'd care with my eyes wide open This ghost that dwells in the wells of slumber Deserves an answer I feel compelled to spill it out Before he melts, fog-like as the sun rises And returns to more comfortable depths Far away from memory Into the bigger wind to which no one knows From whence it came or where it goes
Would that the Wind show me a reason I could pass on to him That it would blow through the hole in his soul Indifference punctured through
Take heed Before experience proves the truth of my words If love dies in your heart and your mind Dare not believe that the ones left behind Will heal any time Soon
If you have ears to hear, Know The love you refuse to mourn Torn You believe was stolen from you Ripped from your fist With violence excised The love you choose to deny Time after time after time That with cruel alchemy Melts into molten gold Glows Grows like a Rose, Resonates with beautiful Music Shines a most brilliant Light, Feeds the Breath of Life At your peril clip it's petals (with your "loves me-loves me not" nonsense ) At your peril drown it out (with your arguing and fighting) At your peril call down darkness (call it down, down it will come) Try not to breathe and fail every time
Only violence, desperate to have it's way, should wield the power To break a chain of love Sleepy ghost, you know this is true On my life I would not do it to you If a link in the chain were so weak as to break You'll know which one before I'm awake Though you'll never know why the metal was broken Neither will I Once I've awoken