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Patrick Raven
Feb 2012
Stringing Them Stars
You caught me wide eyed one night
and I followed that moon all the way down
to the bottoms of your feet
and with it I ran and never wanted it to set
that clear night with the stars strings coming undone above you
and how you let them
and how I watched
till the bird sang your name and all day long
and I laid my chest onto yours and all night long.
You thought my eyes pretty for every cloud that passed the sun
With light colors of green
Grey and blue
You can see them shine in the dead of night
It’s not the sun, you know
It’s nothing I own and nothing for me
It came as life should
How I wished it would be
Neither of the faces
Of you and I
Will be made of stone
Not famous and not thought of
On our own red carpet
Pretending the crowd of lightning will find us
in tomorrows newspaper
We beautiful celebrities famous for each other
Rich as kings and queens
With what notes we hide to be found
That feeling
That certainty you know
When it’s found
Whenever it’s found
It’s knowing that moment
There will be somebody so deeply in love with you
If it’s even only for a second
You will run through every nerve
And raise every hair
Dancing for me Shakespeare’s dream
When everything I could want in this world
Is right in front of me
I will only see you
And nothing else
Just simply you
Being perfectly you.
Written by
Patrick Raven
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