If only I were out with some streams & trees; for- there, indeed, is where my body begs to be. I wish: on my cheeks, I felt a gentle breeze; one blowing t'ward me off vast, open seas. You see? I am trapped on a wide, grassy plain! Stuck in this dreary place- where it all began. Trapped on the plains; heeding the wind's pain- ful howling stories of each woman and man- Β Β each that ever was- and will come to be. I suppose I'm only conceiving the land that she- resides within: the place she lies down to sleep. A kingdom of sorts- a kingdom of many ports built of towering pillars o' glimmering Quartz. You see? Her very presence- it seems to thwart all negative energy that any man could sport. In short, she is like a mountainous terrain; one that I would like to scale to the peak of where I'll sit weeping out my eyes as a train- track is built around her body. An engine shove- s across her back on wooden planks and rails so shoddy.