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Feb 2012
Adjusting to the sound of the rubber tires embracing the concrete, the can-do attitude of day to day living, and constant game of social tetris, leaves one exhumed; exhausted. Sometimes the ever present “now” is lost in all our countless plans and attempts at  uprooting ourselves from what we have, to what we don’t have at the moment. It’s a never ending dance from one thing to another, and we always crave more. The way this world has evolved over the past century is indeed strange. Picture a tree that represents the dawn of  **** erectus’  way of living growing for the last million or so years on this world. From the unified trunk stemmed many branches with twigs cascading other branches and leaves extending outward toward the sun. Every tree branch is a different philosophy and/or perception of life how that group had  known. All these multitudes of how one should live his/her life standing out, yet working perfectly together with the others. There is no such idea that there is simply one correct answer to how you should live. This system of a very co-existent variety had worked for thousands, if not millions, of years. Yet, over the past century, most of these different branches and twigs and leaves have somehow just fallen off. Leaving just one conjoined branch(if you can call it that anymore) to soak up the nutrients it needs to survive. There is no more variance in how these stem outward. They all follow each other, doing the same as the one ahead of it. A very poor, inefficient strategy of keeping the whole alive. Thus leaving the entire tree malnourished of sunlight, soon it’s systems will shut down and eventually die. Too many people in this current world are all to ready to follow someone else’s idea about how they should live their life. In fact almost the entire population live this one, “right” construct. Infinitely stuck in an eternal circle of work, consume, work, consume, work, consume. Where is the humanity in this? Where is the forward propulsion of the human experience? Instead of  letting our natural curiosity take form and grab hold to evolve our knowledge of the universe, we drown out it’s cries with television and shopping malls..
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